
Delegates 2022

Naomi Belshaw

Naomi Belshaw runs a consultancy/management company for Classical Composers/Artists. Uniquely placed having worked for a decade in royalties/publishing, funding and PR to be in direct contact with many of UK’s leading classical/experimental composers, Naomi is keen to explore where cutting edge classical music could add value in sync, in an, as yet relatively untapped music area. Many independent UK composers don’t have representation in this space (many being self-published and self-released) so Naomi is keen to start conversations connecting key stakeholders in the media, film, TV and games industry with Avent-Garde music styles that could really stand out in synchronisation

Diana Yukawa, Ghost Harmonic (violinist Diana Yukawa, electronic pioneer John Foxx and Benge), Gabriel Jackson, Joseph Phibbs, Dani Howard, Kemal Yusuf, Garry DW Judd

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